Sunday, July 11, 2010

A waist is a terrible thing to mind.

I have always been a chunker, not "Fat" but chubby. The only person that made fun of me for my weight to my face would be my little sister. Hearing her call me names all the time really brings me down. I have finally decided last week that I am going to lose weight, and look sexy on my wedding day :) I have 112 days to drop atleast 25 lbs. I am going to push harder than I ever have before.

One of my bride's maids are also losing weight with her roommate. Seeing their postings on facebook pushes me to work out too,and will deff help me stick to it! From now on my posts on Sundays will be about my journey to weight loss.

And let me tell you, I have done Jillian Workouts on cox cable and they make your whole body  hurt for days, But it is a good hurt.You know that you are doing sumthing right when you can feel it like this. This is my 2nd night of hardcore workouts. And this is just the begining <3 Wish me luck everyone, because I am going to need it. Goodbye mucho chubby Jaclyn, and Hello Sexy Bride ;)

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