Friday, July 2, 2010

Love, my intake

It is the way he looks at you with his soft fragile eyes.
You never knew what love looked like
Until you've seen it in his eyes .
It is the way he grabs you from behind
Wrapping His warm loving arms around you
You love is intertwined.
It is the way he kisses you
with his soft puckered lips
You still get those butterflies, as if it was your first time.
You dare to sneak a peak
Just in time to see his sweet smile
before your lips brush against.
Never has a kiss been so soft and sweet
It is the way he makes you feel
He always gives you butterflies.
Nothing in the world seems to matter
except for the moments you spend together.
It is the way he makes you smile
No matter what mood you are in
He can always brighten up your gloomiest of days.
People take love for granted
Many people do not know they have it
Until they have lost it, and it has moved on never to return again.
You need to let love find you
And when it does
Never dare to let it go
beacause Love is the key to life.
And when you find love
Be sure to Embrace it
Because you never know when it will die.

(this is not a poem, just my thoughts)

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