Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Do what makes you happy

Do what makes you happy in life, no matter what people say. I always get crap for working at fear farm every year because the "pay is not good" and "it is not worth our time" But working at this place is a huge part of my life. I do not do it for the money, and I know it takes up a lot of time but I do it because I love Halloween. And working here makes me happy, it is halloween for a month straight!

My fiance (the guy on the left) Matthew actually proposed to me about an hr after this photo was taken. 10-31-09, This year 10-31-10 we are getting married at the place where he proposed...Fear Farm. many think it is a stupid idea, and do not agree. But it is what we want, the location has huge meaning behind it for us.

Do not let people talk you out  of what you enjoy most. Just block it out and go on doing what you want. As long as it makes you happy that is all that matters. <3

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